Although only a small percentage of divorce cases are actually tried to conclusion, the successful domestic relations practitioner must be prepared to try cases or to successfully negotiate a settlement. This program helps you improve your trial technique by giving you the unique opportunity to observe seasoned domestic relations practitioners in action. Throughout the program, experienced domestic relations trial practitioners try a mock divorce case from start to finish. A real estate broker and forensic accountant testify about the value of a marital home and how to locate and value assets and small business income. A vocational expert explains attribution of income. A Probate and Family Court judge presides over the trial and critiques each segment as it is presented.
Don’t miss this opportunity to spend a day with litigation experts to gain valuable insight into how to prepare and try a divorce case!
MCLE webcasts are delivered completely online, underscoring their convenience and appeal. There are no published print materials. All written materials are available electronically only. They are posted 24 hours prior to the program and can be accessed, downloaded, or printed from your computer.