
Timekeeping & Billing Software

Using top tech to track time

  • Product Number: 2190334P01
  • CLE Credits, earn up to:
    2 substantive credits, 0 ethics credits CLE Credit Note
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  • Product Description
  • Agenda & Materials
  • Faculty
  • Product Description

    Product Description

    Tech2Practice is an innovative series of robust practice development programs designed to assist your law practice by boosting your efficiency through the utilization of technology in practical and creative ways. This program is deliberately and meticulously crafted to suit the needs of all lawyers regardless of their area of practice.

    According to a study conducted by LexisNexis, solo and small firms lose over 40% of billable time due to poor time tracking. It is essential for firms to develop strong time keeping systems and billing processes to ensure success and stability. Technology is key to time tracking and billing. In this Tech2Practice program, you learn about best modern practices for time keeping and billing, including demonstration of technology tools and workflows to streamline your processes.

  • Agenda

    Agenda & Materials

    Please Note

    MCLE webcasts are delivered completely online, underscoring their convenience and appeal. There are no published print materials. All written materials are available electronically only. They are posted 24 hours prior to the program and can be accessed, downloaded, or printed from your computer.

  • Faculty


    Heidi S. Alexander, Esq., Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being, Newton
    Sofia S. Lingos, Esq., Trident Legal LLC, Boston