Operating under the influence cases have remained high stakes litigation, whether you are the defense counsel or the prosecutor assigned to the case. This year’s OUI program begins with the basics, and then delves into the nuances to bring you up to speed on recent developments, including OUI drug cases. Attorneys for the prosecution and the defense provide an overview of how to handle an OUI case from start to finish. Panelists address preparation for handling the trial, including discussions about field sobriety tests, discovery issues, drug recognition experts, and breath and blood testing.
Whether you specialize in OUI cases or handle only one or two of these types of cases a year, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to hone your skills with the experts. Not only do you get a skills refresher—you come away with practice tips and advice that help you handle your next case with confidence. Bring your questions for the District Court judges to take advantage of this unique opportunity to find out what they are looking for in OUI cases.
Litigation regarding the admissibility of breath test results has continued to evolve over the past year. Attend this program to get ahead of the curve on where OUI litigation is now and where it is headed.
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