
Criminal Lawyer's Attorney-Conducted Voir Dire Workshop

Using deselection to select a jury

  • Product Number: 2240227RB1
  • CLE Credits, earn up to:
    2 substantive credits, 0 ethics credits CLE Credit Note
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Includes downloadable supporting materials. $195.00; Members $175.50; New Lawyers $97.50 Free for OnlinePass subscribers.
  • Product Description
  • Agenda & Materials
  • Faculty
  • Product Description

    Product Description

    This program is designed to provide practicing attorneys with comprehensive insights and practical skills to enhance their proficiency in the critical process of attorneyconducted voir dire. This pivotal stage in criminal trials allows attorneys to assess potential jurors and identify biases that may impact the trial outcome. This program addresses both the legal principles governing jury selection and the practical strategies that attorneys can employ.

    Participants benefit from a detailed exploration of Massachusetts-specific rules and regulations governing voir dire, as well as the latest updates and case law developments. There is also a demonstration of attorney-conducted voir dire by the panel and a Q&A session with practitioners who have experience with attorneyconducted voir dire. Attendees leave the program equipped with a heightened ability to navigate the intricacies of attorney-conducted voir dire.

  • Agenda

    Agenda & Materials

    Please Note

    MCLE webcasts are delivered completely online, underscoring their convenience and appeal. There are no published print materials. All written materials are available electronically only. They are posted 24 hours prior to the program and can be accessed, downloaded, or printed from your computer.

  • Faculty



    Hon. Jennifer L. Ginsburg, Worcester District Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Worcester