Domestic Violence: Briefings & eBook Bundle
3 webcast programs + 1 value-added eBook = core fluency
- Product Number: 2240245P01
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Product Description
Do you or your clients have questions about handling domestic violence situations in family law? This curated bundle of 6 hours of content-rich webcast programming paired with MCLE’s comprehensive Obtaining, Enforcing, and Defending c. 209A Restraining Orders in Massachusetts e-publication gives you a solid foundation in dealing with this issue. Set your own schedule, expand your skill set, and advance your practice with confidence.
Webcast Briefings
• Obtaining, Enforcing & Defending c. 209A Restraining Orders in Massachusetts: Differences between 209A, 258E, and other restraining orders; Procedural outline of the various steps in the restraining order process; including jurisdictional issues; practice tips for working with survivors of domestic and sexual violence; Various ways restraining orders intersect with criminal proceedings, including confrontation clause issues; Common arguments for and against the issuance of restraining orders, and motions to modify existing orders
• Handling Domestic Abuse Claims: What is domestic violence; Who are the victims; Recognizing the signs of domestic violence; Why victims stay with abusers; How you can help victims of domestic abuse; Handling divorce and custody issues; How to keep safe—safety measures for your client and their children
• Mock Trial of a Domestic Abuse Case: Motions in Limine; Opening statements; Direct and cross of a police witness; direct and cross of a civilian witness; Closing arguments; Judicial Opinion; Witness preparation; Preserving the record
Unparalleled Expertise—Speakers & Authors
• Top-notch Guidance—from the Best in the Practice
• Practical Insight You Can Trust
Agenda & Materials
Obtaining, Enforcing & Defending c. 209A Restraining Orders in Massachusetts
9:30am - 9:40am
Welcome and Introduction
Breanishea Amaya, Esq., New England Law, Clinical Law Office , Boston
9:40am - 9:55am
Differences Between 209A, 258E, and Other Restraining Orders
Breanishea Amaya, Esq., New England Law, Clinical Law Office , Boston
Erika Castillo, Esq., Castillo Law Offices , Lawrence
Lola Remy, Esq., Women's Bar Foundation , Boston
9:55am - 10:10am
Procedural Outline of the Various Steps in the Restraining Order Process
10:10am - 10:25am
Including Jurisdictional Issues
Breanishea Amaya, Esq., New England Law, Clinical Law Office , Boston
10:25am - 10:40am
Practice Tips for Working with Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Lola Remy, Esq., Women's Bar Foundation , Boston
10:40am - 10:55am
Various Ways Restraining Orders Intersect with Criminal Proceedings, Including Confrontation Clause Issues
Erika Castillo, Esq., Castillo Law Offices , Lawrence
10:55am - 11:10am
Common Arguments for and Against the Issuance of Restraining Orders, and Motions to Modify Existing Orders
11:10am -11:30am
"Ask the Experts" Q&A Session and Key Takeaways
Handling Domestic Abuse Claims
11:30am - 11:35am
Welcome and Introduction
Breanishea Amaya, Esq., New England Law, Clinical Law Office , Boston
11:35am - 11:50am
What Is Domestic Violence?
Breanishea Amaya, Esq., New England Law, Clinical Law Office , Boston
Prof. Caryn R. Mitchell-Munevar, Esq., New England Law , Boston
Sandra Ines Gutierrez, Esq., Law Office of Sandra Gutierrez , LAWRENCE
11:50am - 12:05pm
Who Are the Victims?
12:05pm - 12:20pm
Recognizing the Signs of Domestic Violence
12:20pm - 12:35pm
Why Victims Stay with Abusers
12:35pm - 12:50pm
How You Can Help Victims of Domestic Abuse
12:50pm - 1:05pm
Handling Divorce and Custody Issues
1:05pm - 1:20pm
How to Keep Safe – Safety Measure for Your Client and Their Children
1:20pm - 1:30pm
"Ask the Experts" Q&A Session and Key Takeaways
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Lunch (on your own)
Mock Trial of a Domestic Abuse Case
2:30pm - 2:35pm
Welcome and Introduction
Sarah Stancato McEvoy, Esq., Suffolk District Attorney's Office, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
2:35pm - 3:00pm
Motions in Limine
Hon. Joseph M. Griffin, Jr., Boston Municipal Court Department , Boston
Sarah Stancato McEvoy, Esq., Suffolk District Attorney's Office, Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Boston
Erin Murphy, Esq., Suffolk County District Attorney's Office , Boston
Jessica L. Tripp, Esq., The Law Office of Jessica L. Tripp , Dorchester
3:00pm - 3:15pm
Opening Statements
3:15pm - 3:30pm
Direct and Cross of a Police Witness
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Direct and Cross of a Civilian Witness
3:45pm - 4:00pm
Closing Arguments
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Judicial Opinion
4:15pm - 4:30pm
"Ask the Experts" Q&A Session and Key Takeaways
Please Note
MCLE webcasts are delivered completely online, underscoring their convenience and appeal. There are no published print materials. All written materials are available electronically only. They are posted 24 hours prior to the program and can be accessed, downloaded, or printed from your computer.
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