Is every MCLE book available as an ebook?
MCLE's entire collection of practice manuals is available in ebook format and accessible online as part of the MCLE OnlinePass subscription except for Legal Heritage books. Legal Heritage books celebrate Massachusetts' rich legal history and the people, institutions and stories that are a part of it. All proceeds from the sales of books in MCLE's Legal Heritage Series support MCLE's Scholarship Endowment:
How do I access my eBook after buying it?
When logged into your account at, click your name to go to your MY ACCOUNT PAGE. Then navigate to Products + Program Access > eBooks. On that page, you'll see all ebooks you have purchased from MCLE and can click the book's title to download it to your ebook reader, tablet, or computer.
I lost my eBook reader. How do I replace the eBooks I already purchased from you?
When logged into your account at, click your name to go to your MY ACCOUNT PAGE. Then navigate to Products + Program Access > eBooks. On that page, you'll see all ebooks you have purchased from MCLE and can click the book's title to download it again.